
Marta Glinka 25 September 2012

Warburger is another Warsaw burger bar opened recently in line with latest burger trend. It was created a few days ago in a small building in Mokotów, at the corner of  Puławska & Dabrowskiego Street. List of different burger variants available is quite long. We can find here classics, such as hamburger, cheeseburger, bbqueburger (19 zł), several more original versions: chilliburger, kacburger (hangoverburger), pestoburger (23 zł), as well as premium burger – Wild (29 zł) made of venison and goat cheese. All burgers in Warburger are served in a slightly sweet butter rolls. Soon they plan to intorduce also veg option for vegetarians with broad beans and grilled beets.

Warburger bar burger


Address: corner Puławska/ Dąbrowskiego

Opening Hours: Mon-Tue, Sun 12:00-20:00, Thu-Sat.12:00-22:00 or to the last roll

Webpage: Facebook

Cuisine: burgers

Average prices: from 19 zł for classic burger to 29 zł for wild burger with venison

Atmposphere: casual

District / Location: Mokotów


Restaurantica.pl (October) by Foodie R

Where’s The Food (August 2012)



Wawalove (October 2012)

Fpięć.pl (October 2012)

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