Delikatesy Esencja

Joanna Mróz 8 August 2012

Delikatesy Esencja is a true evergreen among restaurants in Warsaw. It exists for a number of years, and is still greatly popular. The place serves breakfasts, lunches, dinners, wine and drinks. Short menu is changed every month. The kitchen is in the spirit of slow food. Gyutataki, national dish here, is present in each menu. In addition, you can have here a very good beef steak, seasonal vegetables, very often you can also taste here a chocolate mousse on salty cakes. On weekends, Delikatesy Esencja serves popular breakfast buffets, on week days lunch sets are served. As it’s in the neighborhood of Rozmaitości Theatre, you can also meet a lot of popular actors here.


Address: ul. Marszałkowska 8, Warsaw

Opening Hours: Mon – Sun 8:00am – 0:00pm

Telephone: 22 480 80 18


Style of cuisine: international

Average prices: 25-45zł

Atmosphere: casual

Location / District: City Center

Special menu: breakfast buffet on weekends, lunch sets on week days


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