New Spanish restaurant ESPAÑA is located in the building of a former Communist Party Central Committee on Nowy Świat Street. The main point in the restaurant is round, a joined bar, similar to those in sushi bars, outside there are a few tables. The menu is written in chalk on the board and it’s divided into Tapas and main courses. You can find here a lot of seafood and Spanish cuisine standards such as Padron Chilies, Patatas Bravas, or Chorizo in Wine.
Address: ul. Nowy Świat 6/12, Warsaw
Opening Hours: Tue – Sun 1:00pm-00:00am
Telephone: (+48) 537 04 30 77
Style of cuisine: Spanish
Average prices: 30-40zł
Atmosphere: casual
Location / District: City Center
BLOGGERS REVIEWS OF INTEREST – IN POLISH (2): (Sept 2012) by Foodie R (Sept 2012) by Foodie F
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