Cafe & Bistro Pozytywka opened at the beginning of the year in Chodkiewicza street, not far from the Bank Millennium HQ. Previously, the premises has been associated with burger bars – Westburger and recently Retro Burger. In the Pozytywka’s menu you will find dishes rather typical for bars with Polish cuisine like pork chop with potatoes and fried cabbage, chicken de volaille, grilled chicken, dumplings (including ruskie and with meat), potatoe pancake with beef stew and pickled cucumber, as well as soups – broth with noodles and żurek. You can also eat there pasta (penne carbonara or with cream sauce and chicken), quesadilla, nachos and burgers (apart from beef there is also a vege option and a grilled chicken breast) with the names to which the Retro burger get used local customers.