Traditional Polish Tasting

Joanna Mróz 18 September 2012

Smart Studio, who organise culinary workshops and meetings, invites you this Saturday to Traditional Polish Tasting. The program includes: reprint study of “Ferculorum Compendium”, the oldest Polish cooking book from 1682, and tasting some of the dishes described there. Guests will also taste “okowita” spirit, a Gdansk herring under gingerbread blanket and bread prepared by SAM according to traditional Polish recipes. Janusz St. Andrasz will take care of cooking, a lecture about culinary history will be given by dr hab. Jaroslaw Dumanowski.


WHERE: Smart Studio, ul. Hoża 51, Warsaw

WHEN: Saturday, 22.09.2012, at 7:00pm


PRICE: 75zł

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