Kuchnia Funkcjonalna open

Marta Glinka 24 February 2013

Kuchnia Funkcjonalna (Functional kitchen) was opened a couple of days ago in Saska Kępa. Restaurant is located in Dom Funkcjonalny in Jakubowska Street and serves international cuisine inspired by local tradition. Chef and owner of the new place, Bartosz Polak cooks using natural and seasonal ingredients supplied by local producers in line with seasonality. The menu is short and frequently changing. In February you can eat there goat with vegetables, horseradish soup with venison, pearl barley risotto or millet cakes served with a beet salad salad.

Kuchnia Funkcjonalna


Addres: ul. Jakubowska 16, Warsaw

Phone: 500 117 218

Webpage: Facebook

Opening hours:  daily 11:00-23:00

Cuisine: International

Average prices:   main dish 30-50 zł

Atmosphere: casual

District:  Saska Kępa,Praga Południe


Restaurantica (February 2013) by Foodie R



Magazyn Smak (February 2013)

Na Temat (January 2013)


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