After several more or less successful attempts to open places dedicated to onigiri in Warsaw, the next one started a few days ago in Warsaw’s Miasteczko Wilanów. It’s name is Pani Onigiri and it admits to be “onigiri place at the end of the world”. Onigiri is a Japanese rice ‘sandwich’ wrapped in nori, usually in the shape of a triangle. To prepare onigiri, Pani Onigiri uses short-grain rice and Himalayan salt. The menu features six types of onigiri and one created on the customer’s request. Vegetarian onigiri are available – including onigiri with umeboshi (pickled and dried plum), or with walnut fried with miso paste, as well as non-vegetarian – with salmon and tuna. Apart from onigiri, you can eat mochi cakes and Syrenka ice cream.

Picture: Pani Onigiri Fanpage